`Hello Peeps.`.
I apoloqise for the below post , it is in a harsh tone , but i'm sorry , it is you who started it first alriqhts , i'm quite kind already , :) Tsk , nevermind about this , qoinq to update about the mid autumn thinq now .
Date : 22nd Sep`09 . {Next friday niqht.}
Time: It is either, 5.30-8pm OR 5-8.30pm.
I'm sorry , i forqotten the timinq , will check with my sister aqain . :)
Venue: Corporation .
Okay , thats all . :) I quess i'm qoinq , anyone qoinq ?
Anyone intend to have a niqht out after that , just like last year ?
At Jialinq's house downstairs , playqround plus some foods ?
Update me & taq in the bloq , if you're qoinq .